Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Perspective of Aging Paper Essay Example for Free
Perspective of Aging Paper Essay Aging, the process of developing or growing old; the progression of changes in appearance (American Heritage Dictionary, 2007). The role of the media is to educate and inform as well as other masses; the senior population suffers greatly from negative stereotyping than any other age group. Some media outlets portray aging in a stereotypical way relating old age to death or disease. This essay reflects on how older Americans are portrayed through the different media outlets. Television shows and commercial advertisements, news and magazines are three types of media outlets that depict older Americans. Television definitely stereotypes the elderly as it relates to their mental capabilities as well as their physical capabilities. Television shows and movie roles feature senior citizens through a lens of less value placing emphasis on the burdens of growing old. These roles show seniors as passive, weak, simple minded and incapable of doing things on their own and not being able to take care of themselves. For example an older movie called â€Å"The Cocoon†depicts older adults as dying and withering away until they found the fountain of youth and things that was done in their younger years, which now is a memory suddenly becomes everyday fascinations. It is not that seniors cannot function; it is more like they chose not to. Commercials advertise senior ageing creams that get rid of wrinkles all over the body especially under the eyes showing signs of aging while hair dying products gets rid of the unwanting grey; commercials also advertise different medical devices that can help seniors move around better or pick things up from a distance without moving out of their favorite chair. There are various commercials that advertiser life insurance or burial expenses. Another media outlet that depict older adults would be radio through entertainment for example when an older adult fall, they may not be able to pick themselves up and comedians will make a joke out of it with laughter. The media has the power that will allow people to have a preconceived notion to an audience as truth; the media can decide what way of life is acceptable and what is not. Media plays a critical part in shaping and reflecting public opinion. There has been a widespread of negative attitudes about aging in print in such magazines as Time or Newsweek that displays photographs of seniors looking disoriented as if they were lost; given the impression they cannot care for themselves based on the articles content. In closing, The overall impressions that the media offers about the older adult is by emphasizing the vulnerabilities of seniors in such a manner that gives the impression that being old is the thing that we as humans most want to avoid, so beauty creams that are offered that can remove wrinkles, telephones that are made with large face buttons, hearing aids that are sold with the message that you dont know what youre missing are just selling points. Many forms of plastic surgery are supposed to be the remedy for staying beautiful and looking young; Just about anything associated with getting older is portrayed as something people dont want to happen. The unfortunate downside of this barrage of negative messaging about becoming older is that it reinforces the thought that being older is being unwanted and no longer valuable to a fast moving beautiful world of people whose desire is to stay young, fresh faced, attractive and to be old, is to not be a welcome part of this society. Individuals should value the aging process in older adults because it is an unavoidable part of life that has it own special values and can offer so many things to the younger generations no matter what stage of life one might be in. The wisdom and information of the older adult offers a calming confidence to society that beauty does come in many forms and can be expressed in many ways and that it does not have to have a sexy component to it to be beautiful and desirable. The growing numbers of baby boomers in this society is bringing a new focus on how exciting and active the older citizen can be and that the contributions to government, science and entertainment and every facet of life is enriched by those who have lived long lives and are still actively giving back to society in countless ways new and creative views of how beautiful it can be to grow older and be appreciated for who you are and not how old you are. Reference American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (2007) 4th edition Houghton, Mifflin
Monday, January 20, 2020
Lord of the Flies :: essays research papers
Lord of the Flies How does Golding show mankind’s inner evil? Do you agree with his assumption that man is basically evil? Lord of the Flies is a book written by William Golding, influenced greatly by the events in World War II, when the news of the Holocaust and the concentration camps were materializing. Golding was shaken at the terrible nature of war and what humans can do to one another, not referencing the Holocaust or other wartime crimes, but for humans to be unaware ably evil. The book, Coral island, by Robert Ballantyne in 1857, which was a book about three boys shipwrecked on a pacific island and their victory over their situations, also influenced Golding, and the character names are similar to those in Coral island, Deliberately, as Golding says. In the dictionary, the definition of Evil is that of morally bad or wrong, Characterised by anger or is malicious, Also one violating or inconsistent with the moral law. Golding introduces the theme that evil, as a destructive force in man, society and civilisation is present in us all. Golding used the beastie, described by the little uns to represent evil that is part of human nature. After dusk, they describe that the beast lurks in the jungle, hunting and it wishes to overcome them. By day, the ‘beast’ disguises itself as creepers that innocently hang among the canopy of the trees. The vines may represent human nature in the daylight of civilisation, but in the darkness in a new environment, their real predatory nature surfaces. The little’uns scream in terror at the burning creepers during the forest fire â€Å"Snakes! Snakes! Look at the Snakes!†this is said to be an allusion to the serpent in the garden of Eden, who stole innocence and brang civilization to its own physicality. Golding shows man’s inner evil many ways throughout the text, but one of the main ways he expressed this is through characters such as Jack and Roger. Jacks first appearance was with his choir which was thought to be a dark creature, but it turned out to be a ‘party of boys’ marching in time in two parallel lines and dressed in strange clothing, possibly referencing uniformed military, seen to be evil from the beginning. Jack’s warlike attitude is clear from the start as he volunteers his choir to be hunters and he also carries around a knife. Jack wanted to keep rules, and agreed that they all had to co-operate â€Å"I agree with Ralph.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
How to Brush Your Teeth Properly
How to Brush Your Teeth Properly Proper teeth brushing involves four things; a soft toothbrush, the correct angle of brushing, brushing in a pattern and brushing at least twice a day, after breakfast and before bedtime. Proper tools and ingredients to brushing your teeth properly is, a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. A soft tooth brush also makes it much easier to remove plaque below the gum line. This is where periodontal disease starts. Use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste that contains fluoride.Apply it to the soft brush. It might stop a cavity in its tracks and give you more resistance to future cavities. Angle the bristle of the brush along the gum line. At a 45 degree angle, apply firm pressure so the bristles slide under the gum line. Vibrate the brush while you use short back and forth circular motions. Brush two or three teeth at a time, then move to the next teeth. Tilt the brush so you can use the tip of the brush to brush the backs of your front teeth.It's fine t o brush any regular pattern you choose, but since the insides of your teeth get less attention you might want to start with the insides of the upper teeth then go to the insides of the lower teeth. Switch to the outsides of the upper teeth, then the lower teeth. Brush the chewing surfaces of the upper teeth then the lower teeth. End by gently brushing your tongue and the roof of your mouth. This removes germs and keeps you breath fresh. Properly brushing your teeth will simply keep the dentist away.Brushing your teeth is a preventive method to keep your mouth staying healthy, looking great, and having fresh berth throughout the day. Your mouth carries many different germs and sometimes bad breath. Brushing your teeth twice daily is about the best habit you can get in. There are other methods used to help aid brushing you teeth such as dental flossing and mouthwash. Those are other important roles that you should take when taking action of keeping your mouth healthy. So everyday, twi ce a day you shall take these simple steps into action when trying to brush your teeth.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Homosexuality Is It A Choice (Pro) - 800 Words
Homosexuality: Is It A Choice? (Pro) The term homosexual originated in 1892, to describe two people of the same gender that were attracted to each other. All though Homosexual behavior between species has been dated back to the beginning of time. Today in the United States based on Population surveys more then eight-million adults alone in the U.S are homosexual. Many people believe that Homosexuality is a scientific, and is no more of a choice then the color of your skin. Crystal Dixon , former Human Resources Administrator of The University of Toledo, who was fired after stating her beliefs in Toledo free press explains that â€Å" Gay is not the new black, Gay is about sex and genitalia, people we call gay make choices†¦show more content†¦Much earlier studies showed a difference in the brain between heterosexual homosexuals, but this is most likely related to the outbreak of AIDs which caused a difference in the brains, no larger control groups were ever conducted. Genes hormones and the brain have no scientific evidence currently, that someone is born homosexual. A persons culture and environment chooses what they find attractive, in the U.S a large portion of men find females breast very attractive, but in some other cultures breast are seen as just part of the body no different then your brain or knees. Throughout history marriages have been based off of economical needs, and in some tribal cultures gay relationships have often been thought to be sacred. A persons sexualitys can change very easily, based on their environment, family, religion, or even person preference. An example of this is mid-life in women, who are experiencing their mid-life crisis. If they go through a break up or divorce, and cant find comfort in men they are likely to experiment with women. This could be due to them likely finding comfort in their best friend, and not having as many issues with women. Its very easy to like someone of the same gender, because they have similar qualitys to you and similar issues. Even if sexuality couldnt be changed, homosexuals could be taught not to act out on their desires. People learn to stop over-eating, stop drinking alcohol and toShow MoreRelatedChurch s Stance On Homosexuality1687 Words  | 7 Pageswith modern times, resulting in a decline in members. Controversies such as the church’s stance on homosexuality, abortion, and the role of women have plagued the church for centuries, and continue to today. These reasons among several others are the distinguishing factor in lack of millennial interest in the church. According to the bible and those who directly follow its teachings, homosexuality is most certainly a sin. The creation story from a Judeo-Christian worldview expresses man’s needRead MoreEssay on The Ethics of Homosexuality 1643 Words  | 7 Pagessame sex. Homosexuality is ethical, and I will provide rational arguments for, and irrational arguments against the topic. A few objections are as follows: It is forbidden in the Bible and frowned upon by God; It is unnatural; Men and women are needed to reproduce; There are no known examples in nature; and the most common argument that concerns homosexuality is whether it is a choice or human biology. My arguments will be ignoring a major element in factoring the morality of homosexuality, the lawRead MoreThe Church Does Not Discriminate Against Homosexuals892 Words  | 4 Pagesagainst homosexuals, even though the definition of discriminate is: to make a distinction in the treatment of different groups, especially of race, sex, or orientation. and that is what is being done. Regardless, the church does not agree with homosexuality, and homosexual acts. These are the main reasons why this is so; and why they make no sense. The reasons have all been compiled from official Christian clergies, websites, and videos. The first is the fact that it is stated in the Bible as anRead MoreThe Article Why Shouldn t Tommy And Jim Have Sex?915 Words  | 4 PagesThe Article, Why Shouldn’t Tommy and Jim Have Sex? A defense of Homosexuality is an article that expounds upon why Tommy and Jim should be able to have sex and a loving relationship and it not looked at as being unnatural in anyone’s eyes. Commonly homosexuality is raised as a morally wrong behavior that needs to be asset. A common thought among many people are that homosexuality is unnatural and harmful to those who take part in it. John Corvino think through different types of arguments that findsRead MoreThe world today is surrounded with many controversial issues. One such issue would be the topic of1000 Words  | 4 Pagesrelationships are rapidly gaining acceptance in this country. However, the Defensive of Marriage Act, that former president Clinton signed in 1996, is holding many back from being able to marry what coul d be the significant other of their dreams. Homosexuality effects from 8% to 15% of all males, as well as females being slightly less than the male population. To put this in a more familiar context, there are as many gays and lesbians in America today as there are unemployed citizens. There are a fewRead MoreCommon Ethical Dilemmas Faced in Nursing1447 Words  | 6 Pagesethical decisions. Pro- Life vs. Pro- Choice, Freedom vs. Control, Truth vs. Deception, and Knowledge vs. personal beliefs are all part of the problem. We live in a world where there seems to be contriversy about everything. Nursing is a very important field where there has to be good communication and great care, any hiccups in this could affect the whole work place. So what happens when you’re a nurse and you are placed in a big ethical dielemma. FINDINGS Pro- Life Vs. Pro-Choice According to Merriam-Read MoreHomosexuality And Its Views On Homosexuality1447 Words  | 6 PagesHomosexuality is one of the most controversial topics in the world today. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalyst had his theory on human sexuality and claims, â€Å" all human beings were innately bisexual, and that they become heterosexual or homosexual as a result of their experiences with parents and others.†Many people view it as a natural thing, but others think it is absolutely wrong and utterly a personal choice. The Bible, other religions, and the world all have different opinions on thisRead MoreHomosexuality And Its Views On Homosexuality1022 Words  | 5 PagesHomosexuality is relating to or characterized by a tendency of a direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex. By this homosexuality is referred to as members of the same sex being sexually attracted to one another. The topic of homosexuality in religion and society has many sides. There are tho se who believe that it is a sin in God’s eyes according to the Bible, and there are those who believe that God and the Bible are not specific to homosexuals. It is a tough debate based on whether youRead MorePrejudice And Homosexuality And Sexual Love And Moral Experience1161 Words  | 5 PagesIsaiah Hines Phil. 2306-43430 05/14/2015 Prejudice and Homosexuality Sexual Love and Moral Experience For many years homosexuality and sex with out marriage has been condemned and debated most with in America . In all standards, homosexual men and women have been denied many rights within the land of the free and home of the brave. And if they have a(n) desire to want to be in the military then they are supposed to withhold their sexual orientation and preference, since this particularRead MorePro Life, Does Not Mean `` Anti Abortion951 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Pro-Life†does not mean â€Å"Anti-Abortion†It is 2016 and with the anniversary of â€Å"Roe v. Wade†past us, the citizens of this free country continue to oppose on the issue of whether abortion should be legal in the United States. Because many people argue that termination of pregnancy is murder, they believe that it is just to penalize those who support pro-choice law, however it is unjust to prevent a woman from making her own decisions when it comes to her body. Most of these arguments are advocated
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